Microdermabrasion is a process that deeply exfoliates the skin using a gentle vacuum that brings skin into contact with a diamond coated head.
It can be used for various skin conditions, including acne, or just to help improve dull or rough skin.

What is Microdermabrasion? Dr Chan explains.

Microdermabrasion is a process that deeply exfoliates, polishes, and increases the lymphatic drainage of skin. It uses a gentle vacuum to bring your skin in contact with a diamond coated head that gently abrades the top layer of dead skin. It can be used to help treat various skin conditions such as acne, comedones (blackheads), and dull or rough skin. It is most commonly used on the face, but can be used on the neck, back, and hands.

What does microdermabrasion exfoliation involve?

Generally, a session of microdermabrasion of the face takes approximately 60 minutes. It is not painful and it may feel like you are having a facial.

Prior to microdermabrasion, your face is thoroughly cleansed. The microdermabrasion head is then systematically passed over the face multiple times. Particular creams or serums are put on your face after the procedure has been completed. After microdermabrasion, your skin may appear red and this usually persists for a short time only and you will notice that your skin feels soft and smooth afterwards.

We recommend 6 sessions at fortnightly to monthly intervals to achieve the best results. Ultimately, the number and frequency of microdermabrasion will depend on the skin type of the patient was well as their needs.

Triple exfoliation microdermabrasion

The Triple Exfoliation Microdermabrasion is the ultimate treatment in exfoliation, buffing, stimulation and hydration. Your skin will be exfoliated chemically, physically and mechanically to ensure the the removal of the dead skin cells and treating deep into your pores.

Exfoliating the tired, dead cells also speeds up the skin renewal process, allowing new healthy cells to take their place. This process turns the complexion from dull and dry to bright, vibrant, and smooth. In addition, regular exfoliation reduces fine lines and wrinkles and keeps skin much softer.

After the triple exfoliation a final skin booster will be applied. The boosters include Hydropeel, Salicylic peel, hydration mask or a customised mask to enhance your results.

This treatment is individually tailored perfectly to your skin and it’s needs making it suitable for all skin type, it can even be customised for patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Microdermabrasion Facts and side-effects

  • Microdermabrasion takes around 60 minutes and usually a few sessions are required for optimal results
  • Transient redness may occur after microdermabrasion
  • Microdermabrasion is a gentle and effective procedure.

Is microdermabrasion effective?

Microdermabrasion is a gentle exfoliation process. There are very few risks to microdermabrasion and all risks will be discussed during your consutlation and assessment. After treatment you may experience some transient redness of the treated areas.

What alternatives are there to microdermabrasion?

Chemical peels are also an alternative to removing the dead skin layers from the surface of the skin and stimulating new collagen growth. At Victorian Cosmetic Institute, we are able to perform a variety of chemical peels from superficial to deep. The deeper the peel, the greater the results, and the longer the recovery period. The type of chemical peels performed include, but are not limited to:

  • lactic
  • retinol based
  • jessner

Another alternative to Microdermabrasion is a treatment called Epidermal Levelling, also known as Dermaplaning. Epidermal Levelling is non-invasive exfoliating treatment which incorporates a special blade that gently removes dead skin cells and fine vellus facial hair. This treatment is suitable for most people and with little to no downtime is a great treatment for an instant rejuvenation.

Comedonal Extractions

We perform extractions of comedones (blackheads) using an appropriate and gentle technique that causes as little trauma to the skin as possible.

Why should I choose Victorian Cosmetic Institute as my provider of microdermabrasion?

At Victorian Cosmetic Institute, Dr Gavin Chan’s staff are highly experienced and qualified to perform microdermabrasion. We take sufficient time to perform your microdermabrasion and the procedure is performed only by nurses or doctors. Microdermabrasion is a clinical procedure at VCI.
We only use the latest microdermabrasion machines to ensure the best result for your skin.

The first step is simply contacting us for an initial microdermabrasion consultation, so our doctors will be able to carefully assess your skin to determine whether microdermabrasion is appropriate for you.
Making that first phone call about any cosmetic procedure can be a confronting task – many of our patients have preferred filling out our online enquiry form. We can then

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Otherwise, you can phone us directly on 1300 863 824.