Day Surgery Information
Dr Gavin Chan’s liposuction procedures are all performed at VSC Day Surgery. VSC Day Surgery a purpose-built private facility designed for cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery procedures, and maxillofacial surgery.
Why is liposuction performed in a Day Surgery facility?
For patient safety all cosmetic surgical procedures, including liposuction, should be performed in a hospital that is registered with the Department of Health and Human Services and accredited to NSQHS standards. Registered hospitals are regularly audited and must maintain high levels of care in order to maintain their registration. During an audit processes such as sterilisation techniques, surgical policies and procedures, equipment maintenance, privacy standards, medical practitioner credentialing and infection control are checked and reported upon.
VSC Day Surgery is registered as a Day Surgery facility by the Department of Health and Human Services and is audited against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards. These are the same standards which all other hospitals must adhere to and is why we perform our liposuction procedures in this private Day Surgery.
Where is the day surgery located?
VSC Day Surgery is located within the Victorian Specialist Centre building at Level 1, 268 Manningham Road Templestowe Lower, Victoria. There is free parking underneath the building for patient carers to be drop off and collect the patient on the day of surgery.
Our patients find this a convenient location as the Day Surgery is located within the same building as our Lower Templestowe clinic so are already familiar with the location of the building.
Where can I find out more about VSC Day Surgery?
You can find out more about VSC Day Surgery by visiting their website at this link.