Wrinkle Treatment Consultations

What is involved in the treatment of facial wrinkles?

Firstly, a medical consultation with a doctor is required to assess the cause of the wrinkles and plan an appropriate treatment;

  • A detailed medical history is taken
  • The facial skin is examined. Skin laxity, volume loss, texture, and expression lines are assessed.
  • Standardised clinical photos and videos of the face are taken, and a VISIA skin analysis is performed.
  • A plan, including costs, is provided, and adequate time is allowed to pass (cooling-off period) before the treatment plan commences.
  • An explanation of the proposed treatment is made.
  • The risks and benefits of the proposed treatment are explained, and a consent form is completed before the treatment commences.

Consultations for wrinkle treatment are available with our doctors at our Lower Templestowe and Berwick clinics.

What causes facial wrinkles?

There are various causes of facial wrinkles. These include;

  • Atrophic wrinkles –  as a result of loss of underlying skin structures, including subcutaneous volume loss.
  • Dynamic wrinkles – which occur during facial muscle contractions and expression.
  • Static wrinkles – which occur as a result of repeated contraction of facial muscles which restructures the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing a wrinkle to persist even at rest.
  • Sleep wrinkles – from compression of the face during sleep.
  • Laxity wrinkles – are wrinkles that result from the effect of gravity, sun exposure and ageing on facial skin.

Choosing the most beneficial wrinkle treatment

This involves thoroughly understanding several factors and ensuring the chosen approach aligns with the patient’s needs and goals. Key considerations when determining the patient’s treatment include:

  • Age: Age plays a significant role in determining the appropriate treatment. Younger patients may benefit more from preventative treatments and mild interventions like a home skincare routine. Older individuals might require in-clinic therapies to address deeper, static wrinkles and restore skin volume and elasticity.

  • Types of Wrinkles: It is crucial to identify whether wrinkles are dynamic or static. Dynamic wrinkles, caused by repetitive muscle movements, require treatments that address the muscle action. Static wrinkles, present even at rest, typically require treatments that address the skin to restore lost volume and stimulate collagen production.

  • Desired result and expectations: The treatment chosen may be tailored to the result desired, although specific results cannot be guaranteed.  You may prefer treatments like skin care products enriched with retinoids and peptides or light chemical peels for more gradual results with less downtime. You may also consider procedures such as laser skin resurfacing or a combination of in-clinic medical treatments for quicker results.

  • Non-Surgical vs. Skin Care Treatments: Consider whether you prefer non-surgical procedures or topical skincare treatments. Non-surgical medical treatments are provided for visible signs of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles and reduction in facial volume. In contrast, high quality skincare products and routine chemical peels, microneedling or IPL treatments can provide wrinkle prevention and ongoing maintenance by stimulating collagen and addressing skin texture and tone.

  • The Root Causes: In addition to treating visible wrinkles and volume loss, treatments that address the root causes of wrinkles should also be considered. For instance, treatments that boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity tackle the underlying issues of ageing skin, leading to more sustainable outcomes.

  • Prevention and Maintenance: Incorporating preventative measures alongside in-clinic medical treatments for wrinkles may result in fewer visible signs of ageing as the natural ageing process continues. Regular use of sunscreen, a balanced diet, adequate hydration, a good skin care regimen and preventative treatments like light chemical peels, IPL or microneedling can slow down the signs of visible ageing.

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Wrinkles caused by muscle movement

This diagram illustrates muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles through repetitive contraction, with the green arrows indicating the direction of muscle movement. Repeated skin creasing, along with volume loss from fat depletion, can lead to the formation of static wrinkles.

Types of face wrinkles

Understanding the types of face wrinkles, including where in the skin they occur, is essential for both prevention and treatment. The skin, our body’s largest organ, is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis serves as a protective barrier, while the dermis, rich in collagen and elastin fibres, provides strength and elasticity. The subcutaneous layer consists of fat and connective tissue that cushions and insulates the body.

Wrinkle formation is primarily due to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the dermis, often exacerbated by repetitive muscle movements, sun exposure, and ageing. This degradation leads to reduced skin volume and elasticity, resulting in visible lines and creases.

Dynamic vs static wrinkles

Wrinkles can be broadly categorised into dynamic and static wrinkles.

Dynamic wrinkles, also known as expression lines, form due to repetitive facial muscle movements. These lines are most noticeable when we make facial expressions such as smiling, frowning, or squinting. Common areas affected by dynamic wrinkles include around the eyes, frown lines between the eyebrows, and horizontal lines on the forehead. Typically fine and shallow, dynamic wrinkles become more pronounced with movement but may be less visible when the face is at rest. Treatments for dynamic wrinkles will often focus on relaxing the underlying muscles.

In contrast, static wrinkles are present even when the face is at rest. These deeper lines result from a combination of ageing, repetitive facial movements, and the loss of collagen and elastin. Over time, the skin loses its ability to bounce back, leading to permanent creases and folds. Static wrinkles commonly appear on the cheeks, around the mouth, neck, and can overlap with dynamic wrinkle areas such as the forehead and frown lines. Addressing static wrinkles typically requires treatments that restore volume and stimulate collagen production.

What are the most common facial areas treated?

Other common areas assessed when considering suitable wrinkle treatments include;

  • Forehead: Repeatedly raising the eyebrows creates wrinkles on the forehead. Over time, these lines can deepen and become more prominent. Additionally, the natural ageing process can lead to fat loss in the forehead area, making these wrinkles more noticeable. This combination of repetitive muscle movement and volume loss contributes to the development and visibility of forehead wrinkles.
  • Glabella: Glabella lines are vertical lines that form between the eyebrows. These lines are primarily caused by repeated muscle movements such as frowning, squinting, or concentrating. Over time, the repeated contraction of the muscles in this area, specifically the corrugator and procerus muscles, leads to the formation of these lines. As the skin loses elasticity with age, these lines can become deeper and more pronounced, even when the face is at rest.
  • Brows: Loss of skin elasticity, redistribution of fat pads and bone reabsorption due to ageing can lead to eyebrows drooping. Droopy brows can push the upper eyelid skin downward, creating a hooded appearance, and contribute to the formation of wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes. Evaluating the brow height and shape when assessing wrinkles around the eye area will assist in determining whether drooping of the eyebrows is contributing to skin wrinkles around the eye area. Also, with the descent of the eyebrows and eyelids, often an elevation of the frontalis (forehead muscle) ensues, and this forms forehead wrinkling.

  • Melomental Folds: These are lines running from the corners of the mouth down to the chin, creating a downturned expression. Medical treatments are available to stop the mouth corners from pulling down which helps reduce the pull of muscles on the mouth and lower face, making the melomental folds less pronounced.

  • Upper Lip: The same factors that contribute to upper lip lines can also contribute to wrinkles in nearby areas. For example, frequent puckering or pursing of the lips and smoking can exacerbate lines around the mouth and contribute to melomental folds.

  • Neck Lines:  The platysma muscle is responsible for vertical bands or cords that can form on the neck as we age. While the primary effect of treating the platysma muscle is on the neck and jawline, there can be secondary benefits for facial wrinkles. For example, treating the platysma can indirectly affect the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and chin by reducing downward tension, therefore minimising the drag of the platysma muscle on the face.

  • Chin: A more prominent mental crease (horizontal crease underneath your lower lip and above your chin) or dimples on the chin with expressions such as pursing of the lips, can coincide with changes in other facial areas due to shared ageing mechanisms, such as decreased skin thickness, reduced subcutaneous fat, bone reabsorption and diminished muscle tone. Treatments to reduce dimpling of the chin or to decrease the appearance of the mental crease may be considered when assessing the face for suitable wrinkle reducing treatment options.

A consultation and assessment with a doctor are required prior to any form of treatment to determine the most suitable plan for your needs.

What to expect from wrinkle treatment

Expectations for wrinkle treatment can vary significantly depending on the specific treatment chosen and individual skin characteristics. Treatments can range from medical wrinkle reducing procedures, laser treatments, chemical peels, microneedling and IPL, as well as at home skin care regimens.

While expectations for wrinkle treatments can vary based on the specific procedure, understanding the steps and processes involved when looking for wrinkle reducing treatments helps you know what to anticipate, no matter which treatment is chosen.

Medical Consultation: Patients seeking to reduce wrinkles receive a comprehensive consultation with a medical practitioner. During this consultation a VISIA Skin Analysis scan is performed and clinical photographs are taken. Using this information, your practitioner will assess your skin condition, review your medical history, discuss your concerns, and create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This plan may include a combination of in-clinic treatments and at-home skincare regimens.

Treatment Process: Upon arrival for your treatment, you will have clinical photographs taken, as well as a VISIA Skin Analysis Scan. These are performed every visit to track the progress of your skin.

Numbing cream will then be applied in preparation for your procedure, if it is required. Some wrinkle treatments, including collagen stimulating treatments, require you to attend earlier for the application of numbing cream. Some examples include skin needling, microneedling and other collagen stimulating treatments. Other wrinkle reducing treatments do not require numbing prior and are relatively quick to perform.

Risks and side effects of wrinkle treatment

It is important to understand that treatments for wrinkles do carry risks and will likely require a recovery period or downtime.

The risks of treatment may include; bruising, swelling, infection, redness of the skin, scarring, and other risks. There are also cosmetic risks, that include an undesirable outcome, over-treatment or under-treatment.



Who is a candidate for wrinkle consultations?

Candidates for wrinkle consultations are those with one or more of the following concerns:

Can wrinkles be removed permanently?

It is important to understand that ageing is a natural and ongoing process. The effects of the treatment are not permanent, nor do they stop the future formation of wrinkles. The effect of the treatments will depend on the client, the type of treatment, the treatment area, and the number of treatments performed.

Why choose Victorian Cosmetic Institute to provide your consultation for wrinkles?

The doctors at Victorian Cosmetic Institute are trained in all areas of non-surgical skin rejuvenation. We will listen to your concerns and help you decide what treatments suit you, considering your goals and the amount of downtime or recovery that may be involved. We will discuss with you what is a realistic and achievable outcome and what to expect.

For your initial medical consultation you can book online or phone us directly on 1300 863 824.

Last updated July 2024