The Victorian Cosmetic Institute Product

Get your Laser Hair Removal this Winter!

This week we are looking at the highly popular Laser Hair Removal to provide you with the ins and outs of this treatment. Laser hair removal is a process that helps reduce hair growth and long- term hair reduction is achievable. Laser hair removal works by using a laser to target and heat the hair follicle. The laser is attracted to melanin (a pigment found in hair and skin) in the hair follicle where it is converted into heat energy which can then destroy the stem cell in the hair follicle to prevent its future growth.

Hair has 6x more melanin than skin meaning the skin is left unaffected in this process, skin also has the ability to lose heat quicker.

People with fair skin and dark hair are the easiest combination to treat however with different wavelengths it is possible to successfully achieve laser hair removal on olive or darker skin types. It is important to note that blonde, grey and vellus hairs cannot be treated with laser.

Generally you’re looking at 3-8 sessions with 4-8 weekly intervals in order to achieve a 60-80% reduction in hair growth. There is a small amount of discomfort associated with laser hair removal, however it is manageable. While long term hair reduction is achievable in most cases it is not 100% complete and permanent, therefore maintenance sessions may be required. If you are considering laser hair removal, select the Victorian Cosmetic Institute because our doctors are highly experienced with lasers and can tailor you treatment to suit your skins needs to achieve the best possible result.